ReBootKamp - Amman, Jordan
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29 Al Sha'b Street Jandahweel, Amman, Jordan
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Company description
Code Bootcamp for Refugees:
A program designed to provide refugees with the tools and knowledge they need to become successful coders in the tech industry. Through this bootcamp, refugees will be able to acquire the skills necessary to develop mobile applications, websites, and software solutions. Additionally, the program will provide mentorship, job placement assistance, and other support services to ensure that participants can make the most of their newfound coding skills.
A program designed to provide refugees with the tools and knowledge they need to become successful coders in the tech industry. Through this bootcamp, refugees will be able to acquire the skills necessary to develop mobile applications, websites, and software solutions. Additionally, the program will provide mentorship, job placement assistance, and other support services to ensure that participants can make the most of their newfound coding skills.
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