Ciapple - Amman, Jordan
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Amman, Jordan
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Small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are facing unique challenges in this competitive market to maintain profitable customers and make the most of their advertising budgets. One of the more expensive options available is to hire full-time data mining and marketing analysis experts, purchase costly enterprise solutions, and train staff on how to implement, integrate, and customize it to the company’s specific needs. A less costly but also lower quality solution is to hire traditional business consultants to manually analyze the data, which is not always feasible for such large and complex data sets.
Ciapple recently provided services to to help them gain valuable business intelligence insights. Our team’s high-quality and easy-to-use knowledge machines extract
Ciapple’s team of business and technology experts in data mining and business intelligence offer these high-end services in various formats, such as in-house solutions, web applications, and ready-made products for customer retention and cross-selling. We also provide marketing analysis services in a consulting-like format for a value-centric price that SMEs can afford. C
Ciapple recently provided services to to help them gain valuable business intelligence insights. Our team’s high-quality and easy-to-use knowledge machines extract
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knowledge from the collected data about our clients’ customers in a way that best meets the companies’ requirements. This extracted knowledge from the hidden patterns in their databases can help them to grow their business, increase market share, and retain customers through targeted advertising, cross-selling, improved user experience, and other strategic decisions.Ciapple’s team of business and technology experts in data mining and business intelligence offer these high-end services in various formats, such as in-house solutions, web applications, and ready-made products for customer retention and cross-selling. We also provide marketing analysis services in a consulting-like format for a value-centric price that SMEs can afford. C
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