Change Waves - Amman, Jordan

Change Waves
  • Verified
  • +7Years
    With Us
Company name
Change Waves
King Abdullah street, Amman, Jordan
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Firas Kamal Rasheed
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Company description
Change Waves help their clients to translate their strategy into real value on the ground.
We belive that our clients should have to align thier stratgy as a starting point not as an end, and we confense them to use technology, as a tool, not as a goal by itself, we help them to use it to fulfill thier needs.
Change Waves can help organizations in doing assessment to evaluate the current situation in the organization and provide your organization with best practice methodlogies and Tools that make a sustain and competitive edge in today's market .

Change waves has the added value of Consultant , processes, and tools that work together synchronously to execute organizational strategy.
From our long experince and knowledge ,Change Waves used to do the setup of PMOs and customize  
Show more the internal processes based on our clients needs in different fields .
From our long experince in learning and Training ,we can help organization to build their own training centers. Turn key solution will be implemented from the consturction work and providing the needed equipments and put the process and templates unitl enabling the trainers to do thier work propoply. In addtion to that we can helpe in running the operation for a certain time by our consultants and trainer .
Change waves can help your organization to become more productive by providing them with the best practice and lates knowledge and Methodlogies in Human Resource Managment And Finanacail Managmnet and Audititng .
Change Waves has the hands-on experience and expertise to develop Mobile Application that faciltate the daily operation to your organization and link between your organiztion’s stratgic objectives and projects & operation using the latest technologie and software.
Change Waves can help organization in developing their employees in different areas (Business, Technical and soft skills).Oraganizations can benefits from our tailored programs for their employees and gain a competitive advantage by developing their most important assets .
Change Waves focuses on “Active Learning”. Active Learning gives a chance for attendees to participate in the sessions proactively and explore, rather than sit back and “get trained” . we like our attendees to challenge inputs and new ideas and prove they can apply and get value from them in the real world We focus on discussions that enrich the training, encourage differences in views.
Change waves has the program of preparing the fresh graduate students to the market by introducing basics Fundemntal for being an employée which help them at the first three months( proporation Period).


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