JO-Robots - Amman, Jordan
1 Review
JO-RobotsMarj Al Hammam065713215
- Verified
Listing - +9Years
With Us
Company name
Marj Al Hammam, Amman, Jordan
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Nael Faraj E-mail address
Company description
We specialize in delivering marketing messages, through unique and memorable robotic experiences. Our mobile robots are designed to attract people and get them interested in your products. They have the ability to make people remember the product or company they are representing. JO-Robots are the brainchild of engineer Nael Faraj, who has a passion for creating these unique robots Nael’s started creating these robots as a hobby. We now have 10 different types of robots to choose from, each with its own unique characteristics and features. There are advertising robots, entertainments robots and robotic tripods. Most of these robots have IP Camera, DVD Drive, Mac OSX, Sony Screen, Surround system, Micro- phones, and LED Lights. Moreover, one of the JO-Robots, JO-Robot #3 has the ability
Therefore, if you are interested in our Robotic Inventions you can purchase your own JO-Robot, or you can rent it for your special event or to promote your company. We can easily customize robots according to your designs by outing them with your company name and logo. For a higher degree of customization, we can also build a robot replica of your product. We can also display your robot in the entrance of the Hotel as it can play slideshows/videos.
Furthermore, attached below is the link to our website and please feel free to watch our YouTube videos.
JO-Robot Collection:
Roya TV Interview:
Robotic Tripod:
" JO-Robots our latest use of Technology"
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to walk, which attracts attention.Therefore, if you are interested in our Robotic Inventions you can purchase your own JO-Robot, or you can rent it for your special event or to promote your company. We can easily customize robots according to your designs by outing them with your company name and logo. For a higher degree of customization, we can also build a robot replica of your product. We can also display your robot in the entrance of the Hotel as it can play slideshows/videos.
Furthermore, attached below is the link to our website and please feel free to watch our YouTube videos.
JO-Robot Collection:
Roya TV Interview:
Robotic Tripod:
" JO-Robots our latest use of Technology"
Listed in categories
JO-RobotsMarj Al Hammam065713215
Amazing Talented Work!
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