Scientific Food Center - Amman, Jordan
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Scientific Food Center
AMMAN - SALT ST , Jordan
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Company description
Scientific Food Center
Having worked in the nutrition and food industry for over 30 years, Dr. Hani Dmour decided to
establish a dedicated Scientific Food Center that would specialize in food research. His goal was
to offer a comprehensive array of cutting-edge services including lab testing, consultation, food
analysis, as well as product research and development. By doing so, Dr. Hani would help
entities operating within the food industry to obtain international quality certificates such as
ISO 22000, HACCP and GMP, enabling them to export their products to international markets.
As such, Dr. Hani sought funding from the European Union (EU) and the Jordan Enterprise
Development Corporation (JEDCO). As soon as the grant was approved, construction
commenced and the Scientific
testing machinery such as a protein and nitrogen testing device, a fat and fiber measuring
device, and a spectrophotometer, among others.
The fund from JEDCO and the EU also facilitated the establishment of a top-notch training hall
equipped with all the necessary tools to deliver workshops on food safety, quality and
assessment, in addition to educational sessions for industry workers on food testing and
sampling. Furthermore, the grant helped finance the Center’s marketing activities, which
involved designing and printing brochures and flyers; launching a promotional website that
provides information on the Center’s diverse offerings; and creating official social media fan
pages and accounts.
Dr. Hani aspires to transform the Scientific Food Center into an internationally acclaimed
research institution that extends a premium selection of services to countries worldwide. He
also seeks to launch a global scientific journal dedicated to covering the Center’s latest
advancements within the nutrition and food industry.
Having worked in the nutrition and food industry for over 30 years, Dr. Hani Dmour decided to
establish a dedicated Scientific Food Center that would specialize in food research. His goal was
to offer a comprehensive array of cutting-edge services including lab testing, consultation, food
analysis, as well as product research and development. By doing so, Dr. Hani would help
entities operating within the food industry to obtain international quality certificates such as
ISO 22000, HACCP and GMP, enabling them to export their products to international markets.
As such, Dr. Hani sought funding from the European Union (EU) and the Jordan Enterprise
Development Corporation (JEDCO). As soon as the grant was approved, construction
commenced and the Scientific
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Food Center was later outfitted with state-of-the-art analysis andtesting machinery such as a protein and nitrogen testing device, a fat and fiber measuring
device, and a spectrophotometer, among others.
The fund from JEDCO and the EU also facilitated the establishment of a top-notch training hall
equipped with all the necessary tools to deliver workshops on food safety, quality and
assessment, in addition to educational sessions for industry workers on food testing and
sampling. Furthermore, the grant helped finance the Center’s marketing activities, which
involved designing and printing brochures and flyers; launching a promotional website that
provides information on the Center’s diverse offerings; and creating official social media fan
pages and accounts.
Dr. Hani aspires to transform the Scientific Food Center into an internationally acclaimed
research institution that extends a premium selection of services to countries worldwide. He
also seeks to launch a global scientific journal dedicated to covering the Center’s latest
advancements within the nutrition and food industry.
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