Sands National Academy - Amman, Jordan

2 Reviews
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Sands National Academy
Amman, Jordan
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2 Reviews
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This school has a reputation as being the worst in Jordan. And for good reasons.

The bottom section of the school for the younger children , run by a female supervisor, is good. Students are very well behaved here at the school. However, the upper grades supervised by males, on the floors above, is horrendous!

The school is dirty, some courses are given without books, the smell of sewage sometimes seeps into the air on the girls side of the international section grades 9-12, some teachers engage in group bullying behavior against staff (anti-Americanism is overt) and consequentially this influences the students to do the same to each other (I also witnessed several students slapped, pushed, and slammed onto desks and floors by administration at the school) , and there is no curriculum nor syllabuses for courses. They teach from the book without comprehension of the concepts required to be taught, sort of like parroting. Grades are also entered callously into the EduWave grading system with huge questions pertaining to their veracity and integrity.

The biology teacher for upper grades (9-12) girls international section, on the top floor, thinks every foreigner is a spy for Israel, the principal for the international girl's section on the same floor (grades 9-12) is a close friend of the biology teacher and refers to American teachers who equally condemn the killing of Israeli and Palestinian children as a REAL terrorist (you should only condemn the deaths of Palestinian children as wrong). And offers of free SAT courses on the weekends by any teacher is frowned upon, because several instructors at the school have an institute which is connected to the chairman of the school, in which they push the students toward for exorbitant prices.

The chairman of the school has recently filed court litigation cases against former "American" expat employees for frivolous determinants. One for missing a few days of work. Another for leaving work 30 days before the completion of his contract. A third American employee was first hired, then told the school reconsidered its decision after revealing her religion (Buddhism).

Some feel the chairman manipulates the legal machinery such as the immigration police, civil courts, and more connections to intimidate or extort any outspoken complaining employees. He has been heard by a couple employees bragging about his connections within the government and how he bribes his way out of everything.. He also looks for any way to squeeze money , the easy way, via employees of his who he dislikes , is too honest, or leaves the school. Additionally, he does not give contracts as he promises to his employees and reneges on promises. Also, it is the norm for unexplained deductions from one's salary to occur. For two months, my salary was deducted by an increment of 70 JDs without reason. Promises to reimburse me were never met by the chairman. Finally, my last month's salary after termination without reason nor notice (and after I filed formal complaints to entities within Jordan) was never paid.

My summation, if I had children, I would be dead before admitting the precious seeds I bring into this world into this dangerously grotesque and disturbingly corrupt school. No way could I do that, and claim to love my children!
This school does not educate, girls are polishing their nails, dancing on desks and listening to music the entire class time. Sands is there just to take your money and pass your child no matter if they learned anything or not.

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