Arab Bank Khalda - Amman, Jordan
Arab Bank Khalda
1 Review
Arab Bank KhaldaWasfi Al-Tal Street5350651
Company name
Arab Bank Khalda
Wasfi Al-Tal Street, Amman, Jordan
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Arab Bank KhaldaWasfi Al-Tal Street5350651
I'm very disappointed from those Ramadan syndrome suffering employees
Till didn't give me all my money and when I asked him to give me a receipt he said their system doesn't allow receipts (tho a supermarket would give you a receipt for any transaction) anyway I left there then they called me and said that I didn't collect all my money and I gotta come the next day
I was too busy to go so she called me saying that if I don't come today I'll not be able to take my money ever (I lose my money) lol how fucked up! And I heard her call my me with inappropriate words while talking to her senior
I went there the thefollowing day to find one of the most frowned face senior ever to serve me disappointed from Arab bank khakda I normally deal with citymall and they're great
Till didn't give me all my money and when I asked him to give me a receipt he said their system doesn't allow receipts (tho a supermarket would give you a receipt for any transaction) anyway I left there then they called me and said that I didn't collect all my money and I gotta come the next day
I was too busy to go so she called me saying that if I don't come today I'll not be able to take my money ever (I lose my money) lol how fucked up! And I heard her call my me with inappropriate words while talking to her senior
I went there the thefollowing day to find one of the most frowned face senior ever to serve me disappointed from Arab bank khakda I normally deal with citymall and they're great
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