Gulf Technical Industrial Est. - GEPICO - Amman, Jordan
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Company name
Gulf Technical Industrial Est. - GEPICO
6, Sahab, Amman, Jordan
Contact number
Mobile phone
+962 6 402 3596
Website address
Working hours
- Monday: 08:00 - 17:00
- Tuesday: 08:00 - 17:00
- Wednesday: 08:00 - 17:00
- Thursday: 08:00 - 17:00
- Friday: Closed
- Saturday: Closed
- Sunday: 08:00 - 17:00
E-mail address
Company description
Gulf Technical Industrial Establishment (GEPICO) is a manufacturer of wire and cable management systems and solutions. The company was established in 1991 by Eng. Mahmoud Abu Khazneh in Amman, Jordan and has grown to become one of the major wire and cable management solutions providers in the region.
The company’s product range covers all aspects related to managing wires and cables. GEPICO’s products are designed and produced to be cost effective and offer value for money, while being of premium quality.
Additionally, GEPICO strives to ensure that all products conform to the latest international standards such as BS EN 61386, BS 6099 and BS 4607 among many others, GEPICO also makes use of a rigorous quality control system that performs extensive testing on production
The company processes and manufactures its products from primary resins to finished products completely in-house, adding a further level of control, at present the company operates the latest machines and production lines that together make the company one of the largest in terms of production capacity in the MENA region for the production of wire and cable management products.
The GEPICO brand is well recognized across the region and associated with high quality, reliable products. GEPICO has gained a loyal customer base that includes multinational corporations in Jordan and abroad. The company distributes its products to the local Jordanian market as well as the regional and international markets. The company is the market leader in the Jordanian and Iraqi markets with a solid position in the Saudi Arabian and GCC markets. And has the unique ability to serve the most demanding orders in record time.
Due to the company’s persistence to provide customers of GEPICO with excellent wire and cable management solutions, the company is constantly investing in research to further improve the performance of its current products as well as developing new solutions to better serve its customers.
GEPICO has been ISO 9001 certified for over 10 years and has been awarded the Jordan Quality Mark in recognition that GEPICO products exceed the requirements of market standards and quality control.
The company’s product range covers all aspects related to managing wires and cables. GEPICO’s products are designed and produced to be cost effective and offer value for money, while being of premium quality.
Additionally, GEPICO strives to ensure that all products conform to the latest international standards such as BS EN 61386, BS 6099 and BS 4607 among many others, GEPICO also makes use of a rigorous quality control system that performs extensive testing on production
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to ensure that the performance exceeds the requirements of the standards.The company processes and manufactures its products from primary resins to finished products completely in-house, adding a further level of control, at present the company operates the latest machines and production lines that together make the company one of the largest in terms of production capacity in the MENA region for the production of wire and cable management products.
The GEPICO brand is well recognized across the region and associated with high quality, reliable products. GEPICO has gained a loyal customer base that includes multinational corporations in Jordan and abroad. The company distributes its products to the local Jordanian market as well as the regional and international markets. The company is the market leader in the Jordanian and Iraqi markets with a solid position in the Saudi Arabian and GCC markets. And has the unique ability to serve the most demanding orders in record time.
Due to the company’s persistence to provide customers of GEPICO with excellent wire and cable management solutions, the company is constantly investing in research to further improve the performance of its current products as well as developing new solutions to better serve its customers.
GEPICO has been ISO 9001 certified for over 10 years and has been awarded the Jordan Quality Mark in recognition that GEPICO products exceed the requirements of market standards and quality control.
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