Golden Holiday Tours - Amman, Jordan
0.00 Reviews
Company name
Golden Holiday Tours
Queen Noor, Shmeisani, Amman, Jordan
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Working hours
- Monday: 9h00 - 16h00
- Tuesday: 9h00 - 16h00
- Wednesday: 9h00 - 16h00
- Thursday: 9h00 - 16h00
- Friday: 9h00 - 16h00
- Saturday: 9h00 - 16h00
- Sunday: 9h00 - 16h00
Company manager
Ms. Hala NassarEstablishment year
1-5E-mail address
Company description
A privately owned independent tour company based in Amman created to inspire people to travel to our beloved country Jordan where they can experience its beauty and wonders through our eyes. Over the past 20 years we have acquired the experience and the reliability to make unique and comprehensive range of travel arrangements of the highest caliber to individuals and to group travels all throughout the kingdom. Staffed by expert travel consultants with great enthusiasm and love to their country and motivated by their own passion to explore, each program is carefully custom tailored to best suit and exceed your expectations, with a personal creative touch aspired to make your holiday a truly memorable one. You can rest assured that any request is accommodated for with expert guidance and
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the services and advice given by our travel consultants are second to none. We do believe in the importance of having knowledgeable and enthusiastic guides and local representatives on the ground and hence they are carefully selected. We owe it to them and to our team of travel consultants that we have loyal travelers and long business partners.Location map
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