Jordan Modern International Trade Co. Ltd. - JomoTRADE - Amman
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Company name
Jordan Modern International Trade Co. Ltd. - JomoTRADE
Yahya Al-Sarairah, Sweifieh, Amman, Jordan
Contact number
Mobile phone
+962 6 581 3709
Website address
Working hours
- Monday: 08:00 - 17:00
- Tuesday: 08:00 - 17:00
- Wednesday: 08:00 - 17:00
- Thursday: 08:00 - 17:00
- Friday: Closed
- Saturday: Closed
- Sunday: 08:00 - 17:00
E-mail address
Company description
Jomo Hisuki-not just a dark horse! Strategic vision and technological innovation are the pillars of Jiumu's success!
To create change before the general change, the Internet has created an upper world above the spirit. If a product is born with only one function, it means that the birth is death. Old brands that don't understand product thinking have entered a serious warning zone, just as the deepest wave is always behind, maybe you would say that the Jiumu brand is just a dark horse in the new era!
Jomo-the brand is born, there will always be someone who will challenge the market!
The founder of the Jiumu team brand began to visit the world's top food machinery design institutions more than ten years ago, integrate quality advantages, and even innovation, combined with domestic
Jomo-product DESIGN, innovation is the eternal law!
Science/Efficiency/Durable/Energy-saving/Safety/Aesthetic When we design each new mechanical equipment, it is an innovation and elimination of the research results of the previous generation of products. Rigorous material selection, structural design of various parts, reasonable performance and wear resistance, strive to create the best gold combination.
Jomo-the era of customization has come, and reliable quality is the key to success!
As a cutting-edge force in the food machinery industry, Jiumu brand is known for its innovative and comprehensive series of products in addition to its superior market performance. Its products include: hoists, choppers, tumblers, mixers, meat grinders, filling machines, slicers, wire tying machines, tractors, hopper trucks and other complete sets of customized machinery. Jiumu Food Machinery Co., Ltd. can almost Independently provide a complete set of production solutions for any kind of site requirements.
To create change before the general change, the Internet has created an upper world above the spirit. If a product is born with only one function, it means that the birth is death. Old brands that don't understand product thinking have entered a serious warning zone, just as the deepest wave is always behind, maybe you would say that the Jiumu brand is just a dark horse in the new era!
Jomo-the brand is born, there will always be someone who will challenge the market!
The founder of the Jiumu team brand began to visit the world's top food machinery design institutions more than ten years ago, integrate quality advantages, and even innovation, combined with domestic
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machinery and practical concepts, and more scientifically and intelligently create a Chinese machinery brand that dares to challenge the international first-line.Jomo-product DESIGN, innovation is the eternal law!
Science/Efficiency/Durable/Energy-saving/Safety/Aesthetic When we design each new mechanical equipment, it is an innovation and elimination of the research results of the previous generation of products. Rigorous material selection, structural design of various parts, reasonable performance and wear resistance, strive to create the best gold combination.
Jomo-the era of customization has come, and reliable quality is the key to success!
As a cutting-edge force in the food machinery industry, Jiumu brand is known for its innovative and comprehensive series of products in addition to its superior market performance. Its products include: hoists, choppers, tumblers, mixers, meat grinders, filling machines, slicers, wire tying machines, tractors, hopper trucks and other complete sets of customized machinery. Jiumu Food Machinery Co., Ltd. can almost Independently provide a complete set of production solutions for any kind of site requirements.
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