Sweifieh Dental Laboratory - Amman, Jordan
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Company name
Sweifieh Dental Laboratory
Ali Nasouh Al-Taher, Sweifieh, Amman, Jordan
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Company manager Mr. Amin Hassouneh
Establishment year 1993
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Company description
Sweifieh Dental Lab was established in1993 in the area of Sweifieh which it is one of the most vital areas in Amman the capital city of Jordan , it was established by Mr Amin Hasoneh the general manager of Swiefieh Dental Lab , where he achieve his experience and professionalism by attended many specialized , local , regional and international courses in dental industry .
As well as he was sure to enriches his academic experience by teaching students of dental industry section in a specialized colleges in Jordan , so he was the supervisor of the dental lab in AL Andalus Collage over ten years ,also he was the general manager of the Islamic Hospital Dental Lab from the year2001 to 2006 , which give him a valuable experience in dealing with a large numbers and difficult cases .
Sweifieh Dental Lab was eager and from the beginning to lift the efficient of our employees technically and artistically .so we encourage them to attend many training courses and professional work shops locally and international , in order to inform them the latest techniques used in dental industry and the best method and skills used in , so we where sure to attend many courses in Switzerland , Italy , England , Germany , Dubi and others. The working field of Sweifieh Dental Lab wasn't only the production of dental substitutes , but we went further to become a very distinguished center for holding many professional and technical courses and work shops in the technology of dental industry , all of that by hosting international experts in this field in order to raise there efficiency and performance level , and in coordination with the biggest companies such as Ceramco , Rhien 83 , and others
As well as he was sure to enriches his academic experience by teaching students of dental industry section in a specialized colleges in Jordan , so he was the supervisor of the dental lab in AL Andalus Collage over ten years ,also he was the general manager of the Islamic Hospital Dental Lab from the year2001 to 2006 , which give him a valuable experience in dealing with a large numbers and difficult cases .
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Dental Lab was gradually developing in success and production year after year , our production was reached to many dentists in many areas in Amman in the first years of our establishment , soon our production reached to the dentists in different cities in Jordan, thus achieving a great success at the national level , after ending the first decade from it's establishment and the begging of the second decade our production begin flowing slowly to the regional markets and we where dealing with many dentists in the neighboring countries , their for our services was able to cover the local and regional level .Sweifieh Dental Lab was eager and from the beginning to lift the efficient of our employees technically and artistically .so we encourage them to attend many training courses and professional work shops locally and international , in order to inform them the latest techniques used in dental industry and the best method and skills used in , so we where sure to attend many courses in Switzerland , Italy , England , Germany , Dubi and others. The working field of Sweifieh Dental Lab wasn't only the production of dental substitutes , but we went further to become a very distinguished center for holding many professional and technical courses and work shops in the technology of dental industry , all of that by hosting international experts in this field in order to raise there efficiency and performance level , and in coordination with the biggest companies such as Ceramco , Rhien 83 , and others
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