Dukkan Supermarket - Amman, Jordan
0.00 Reviews
Company name
Dukkan Supermarket
Dabouq, Amman, Jordan
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16-25E-mail address
Company description
The Company was established in 2009. The first DUKKAN started operation in 2010 with the aim of providing shoppers with a pleasant shopping experience that not only meets your shopping requirements, but also makes grocery shopping fun and enjoyable. We are committed to providing customers with the highest quality of customer service that exceeds expectations.
The passion of our team is to offer you the experience that will make you enjoy grocery shopping at a clean, hygenic, well organized store that makes shopping at DUKKAN an unforgettable experience.
We aim to provide you with a DUKKAN that is only a few minutes drive away from your neighborhood or workplace. Our team is devoted to help you out with enthusiasim, and make you feel comfortable while enjoying a wide
Company Overview
The Company currently owns and operates two Grocery stores located in Dabouq, and Jabal Amman, Amman - Jordan.
Dabouq Opening Times:
7 Days a week 07:00 - Midnight
Telephone: +962 6 5413339
Jabal Amman Opening Times:
7 Days a week 07:00 - Midnight
Telephone: +962 6 4641700
The Company was established in 2009. The first DUKKAN started operation in 2010 with the aim of providing shoppers with a pleasant shopping experience that not only meets your shopping requirements, but also makes grocery shopping fun and enjoyable. We are committed to providing customers with the highest quality of customer service that exceeds expectations.
The passion of our team is to offer you the experience that will make you enjoy grocery shopping at a clean, hygenic, well organized store that makes shopping at DUKKAN an unforgettable experience.
We aim to provide you with a DUKKAN that is only a few minutes drive away from your neighborhood or workplace. Our team is devoted to help you out with enthusiasim, and make you feel comfortable while enjoying a wide
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variety of products all at reasonable prices.Company Overview
The Company currently owns and operates two Grocery stores located in Dabouq, and Jabal Amman, Amman - Jordan.
Dabouq Opening Times:
7 Days a week 07:00 - Midnight
Telephone: +962 6 5413339
Jabal Amman Opening Times:
7 Days a week 07:00 - Midnight
Telephone: +962 6 4641700
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