Khawarizmi College - Amman, Jordan
0.00 Reviews
University name
Khawarizmi College
Khalda, Amman, Jordan
Contact number
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Working hours
- Monday: 8:00 am - 8:00 pm
- Tuesday: 8:00 am - 8:00 pm
- Wednesday: 8:00 am - 8:00 pm
- Thursday: 8:00 am - 8:00 pm
- Friday: Closed
- Saturday: Closed
- Sunday: 8:00 am - 8:00 pm
Company manager
Mohammad QadomiEstablishment year
26-50E-mail address
Company description
Founded in 1978, Khwarizmi College takes pride in being one of the first colleges in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. It is accredited by the Ministry of Higher Education in Jordan.
Khwarizmi College is dedicated to modernizing and stimulating the educational process through world class training and educational techniques, constantly striving for absolute excellence in the services we provide through strong dedication and commitment from the management and educators. This will pave the way to leading by example through a commitment that empowers every organization at every level to strive for the highest level of quality education and appreciate student value.
Our vision is to be a leader in education and training services. We will earn our
Khwarizmi College is strategically located in the heart of Amman in Tla’a Al Ali. The college sits on seven thousand meters of land, of which six thousand meters has been used for buildings.
The college has become a melting pot for students all over Jordan and has been a meeting point for students from all over the Islamic and Arab societies.
Providing students with a rich information environment that is consistently being renewed and restructured to create an atmosphere in which everyone stays motivated and inspired to learn.
Spacious lecture halls, computer labs and science labs, which are fully equipped with the latest technology.
The college is a part of a much larger network of international affiliations, specifically in the United States, the United Kingdom, Kuwait and internal affiliations within the Kingdom of Jordan.
Preparing a competitive, energetic, and stimulating environment.
Founded in 1978, Khwarizmi College takes pride in being one of the first colleges in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. It is accredited by the Ministry of Higher Education in Jordan.
Khwarizmi College is dedicated to modernizing and stimulating the educational process through world class training and educational techniques, constantly striving for absolute excellence in the services we provide through strong dedication and commitment from the management and educators. This will pave the way to leading by example through a commitment that empowers every organization at every level to strive for the highest level of quality education and appreciate student value.
Our vision is to be a leader in education and training services. We will earn our
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clients’ enthusiasm through continuous improvement driven by the integrity and teamwork of the management and educational staff. Khwarizmi College will continuously innovate training course material and degree programs for our students that are passionate about their unique learning experience.Khwarizmi College is strategically located in the heart of Amman in Tla’a Al Ali. The college sits on seven thousand meters of land, of which six thousand meters has been used for buildings.
The college has become a melting pot for students all over Jordan and has been a meeting point for students from all over the Islamic and Arab societies.
Providing students with a rich information environment that is consistently being renewed and restructured to create an atmosphere in which everyone stays motivated and inspired to learn.
Spacious lecture halls, computer labs and science labs, which are fully equipped with the latest technology.
The college is a part of a much larger network of international affiliations, specifically in the United States, the United Kingdom, Kuwait and internal affiliations within the Kingdom of Jordan.
Preparing a competitive, energetic, and stimulating environment.
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