The American ESL Center - Amman, Jordan
The American ESL Center
3 Reviews
The American ESL CenterQueen Rania Al-Abdullah, University St.+962 6 534 1421
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Company name
The American ESL Center
Queen Rania Al-Abdullah, University St., Amman, Jordan
Contact number
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+962 6 534 1376
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The American ESL CenterQueen Rania Al-Abdullah, University St.+962 6 534 1421
I worked at The American ESL Center back in 2010. It was a great experience for me. I was new to ESL and the Director took plenty of time to make sure that I was trained in their methodologies. I have since gone on to teach in Morocco, Mexico and Japan. I appreciate all that they taught me and I wish them very well.
The American ESL CenterQueen Rania Al-Abdullah, University St.+962 6 534 1421
I worked at the American ESL Center for two years... I must say that my fellow coworkers and students there were great! Also they have one of the best curriculums, when it comes to language centers, in the country of Jordan. The CEO and Academic Director Mr. & Mrs. Allouzi are very easy to work for; both educated in America, they have goodwork ethic and showed fairness. This job is great for anyone wanting to travel and teach.
The American ESL CenterQueen Rania Al-Abdullah, University St.+962 6 534 1421
I worked at the American ESL Centre on University Road and I don't recommend it at all. There are no standards in teaching and no conformity. The lessons are poorly organized and a waste of time and money.
Teachers are made to work plenty of overtime without getting paid for it. They don't pay on time (sometimes not even at all). There is a large turnover of teachers and students because everyone leaves.
The owners give students a lot of promises about the classes which aren't true and don't end up happening. They are also abusive to teachers.
Teachers are made to work plenty of overtime without getting paid for it. They don't pay on time (sometimes not even at all). There is a large turnover of teachers and students because everyone leaves.
The owners give students a lot of promises about the classes which aren't true and don't end up happening. They are also abusive to teachers.
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