Dar Annadwa L.L.C - Amman, Jordan

Dar Annadwa L.L.C
Company name
Dar Annadwa L.L.C
Dabouq, Amman, Jordan
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Hussam A. Ensour
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Company description
Dar Annadwa is a full service, general practice law firm dedicated to professional excellence, personal and high quality support and effective solution-oriented advocacy offering a diverse range of legal services, for individuals, corporations and multinational businesses in their cross-border transactions.

Dar Annadwa was founded by a team of professional lawyers with the purpose to render legal services to private and state business structures, foreign companies, joint ventures, banks and international organizations. We have grown into a unique Jordanian firm that is proud of its experienced and energetic law professionals devoted to their work. Today, our firm ranks high in the local legal services market and our attorneys are held in high esteem throughout Jordan.  
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Within several years, our numerous Jordanian and foreign clients had a chance to observe the standards and quality of legal services provided.

Our firm seeks long-term relationships with its clients and aims to provide the best possible solution to the client’s legal needs with our understanding of the business and sector requirements. Our clients include international and local corporations operating in various sectors such as banking, insurance, telecommunications, broadcasting, IT, pharmaceuticals, medical devices, maritime, transportation, textile, construction, retail, foods, manufacturing, recruitment & outsourcing.

As an integrated firm, Dar Annadwa maintains uniform high-quality standards throughout the Arab Region and is exceptionally well-positioned to handle projects in the area. Consequently, the firm regularly advises on various transactions in the Middle East.

Commercial Practice
The strategic solutions we devise for our commercial clients are based on a sound knowledge of the industries they operate in, the business and commercial context and specialist knowledge of all relevant legislation.
Another factor in our continuing success in the commercial sector is that we forge close partnerships with our clients based on trust, while devoting considerable time and effort to ensure that quality permeates everything we do.
Further, our dedication to personalised service helps us to maintain a leadership position in our chosen areas of practice.
Clients value our ability to offer creative, sophisticated, yet pragmatic solutions to their many challenges.
We strive to provide each client with successful results by considering all appropriate, creative options. We, at Dar Annadwa, take personal pride in the quality of our work and our attention to detail. The satisfaction of the client is paramount.


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