Darat Samir Shamma - Amman, Jordan

1 Review
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Darat Samir Shamma
Shafa Badran, Amman, Jordan
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the companion are high school graduate or college graduate but no nursing experience .
i came across a friend whose relatives are being put in there.
She claimed that their companions are not nurses or has any nursing educations.
Also they choose them young ,that has little experience (if not none )with senior citizen fragile psychology.
Their food is not five star food although they package it nicely.
their doctor or nurse in charge will not answer if one places a call from the family of the resident .
they are not available in the place as they claim they are.
After the daily hours there is no control as to what happens inside or outside the small apartments
The director has a special preference to young girls with little experience who might be desperate to get a job or had a connection to get the job or very pretty that he liked as per this lady said .
Those assistants have no experience in dealing with seniors and can abuse the residents verbally or psychologically without been fired, nor the complaints of family is taken into consideration.
More over the director has phd in what he studied but is not a doctor in geriatrics or psychiatrist or even an MD( medical doctor)!
He also hides behind his title and when he talks to any resident whose family complained ,he would be condescending ridiculing the the complaint in a threatening way that put the resident who is already insecure to be more insecure.!
The director has no creativity in fundraising for the place nor make the senior home as a real home that has complete set up as compared with the european or american or even canadian states , where assisted living is comprehensive complete program that tenants become friends with each other as they live in the same institution not as what you have in your set up.
It is sad that such a huge set up is run so inefficiently .
you need an energetic caring strong director not someone who is empty inside and or has connections that gives him the right to abuse his power for his own ego and greed!!
Even the email they offer ,no one has the decency to answer the inquiries of outsiders be it family of residents or others.
You may need to go back and investigate the reasons there is high turn around amongst staffing!
Also you can investigate separately with each employee left for example since two years ago and give them immunity to let them speak up without fear of the director !
As a matter of fact there was a head nurse two years ago who also used to gloat about his phd degree , but he spends few hours in the institute and the rest outside the whole building!!!
What kind of a senior home is this ,?
How can anyone send his loved ones to your facility?
You need to send those managers to special training courses in the states or europe or canada to improve their skills !
Also ,you need an independent private committee to check constantly on those issues and more so you can be equal to the western countries ,also so you can attract people from all over the world specially the arabs who are living abroad!
Finally , this is Just an eye opener to the board to know what is going on in their set up from a good samaritan.

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