The One Jordan for Furniture - Amman
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Company name
The One Jordan for Furniture
Zara Centre، Hussein Bin Ali Street، Wadi Saqra، , Amman, Jordan
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Working hours
- Monday: 10:00 - 22:00
- Tuesday: 10:00 - 22:00
- Wednesday: 10:00 - 22:00
- Thursday: 10:00 - 22:00
- Friday: 14:00 - 22:00
- Saturday: 10:00 - 22:00
- Sunday: 10:00 - 22:00
E-mail address
Company description
Invented by Thomas Lundgren (after an angel came to him with a mission to save the world from IKEA), THE One Total Home Experience opened our first store in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates in 1996. Today, we have 14 Theaters in 5 countries across the Middle East.
Because we don't believe the world needs another retailer, THE One aims to be both magical and meaningful: inspiring you by being Always Different, Always Limited and Never Expensive while Changing the World Together.
THE [magical] One
We don't sell products. We sell feelings. Because we believe that it's not what you buy that's important, it's what you feel after you have bought it. So we see our stores as Theaters where we put on seasonal Home Fashion Shows featuring our latest Collections. In our effort to never become a
THE [meaningful] One
There is no greater feeling in life, no greater freedom, than to know that you can be yourself and part of a group that is engaged in a cause that is greater than you are. The thing that matters is meaning. So we asked ourselves: What if we could involve all our people, suppliers and you in a higher purpose than just selling and buying stuff? We have a responsibility to our children to improve the world we live in.
So apart from ethical sourcing, our way of making a difference is through Challenged Employees, Local Volunteering and our Big Idea: THE Onederworld - our Sustainable Village Community program. We are on a mission to Change the World Together. Are you Brave enough to be with us?
Because we don't believe the world needs another retailer, THE One aims to be both magical and meaningful: inspiring you by being Always Different, Always Limited and Never Expensive while Changing the World Together.
THE [magical] One
We don't sell products. We sell feelings. Because we believe that it's not what you buy that's important, it's what you feel after you have bought it. So we see our stores as Theaters where we put on seasonal Home Fashion Shows featuring our latest Collections. In our effort to never become a
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soulless corporation, our Theaters are freshly 'handmade' every day by our Cast members, reflecting their individuality, personalities and dreams. We see each Theater as a magical place where you can touch, see, smell, hear and taste THE One Total Home Experience; feel THE One's soul.THE [meaningful] One
There is no greater feeling in life, no greater freedom, than to know that you can be yourself and part of a group that is engaged in a cause that is greater than you are. The thing that matters is meaning. So we asked ourselves: What if we could involve all our people, suppliers and you in a higher purpose than just selling and buying stuff? We have a responsibility to our children to improve the world we live in.
So apart from ethical sourcing, our way of making a difference is through Challenged Employees, Local Volunteering and our Big Idea: THE Onederworld - our Sustainable Village Community program. We are on a mission to Change the World Together. Are you Brave enough to be with us?
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