"Arabic For Everyday" Program

"Arabic For Everyday" Program
About the product
Improve your Arabic language through conversation with native speakers

This program focuses on learning conversation and listening through entering into interactive discussions, without the oversight of reading and writing skills. This works by using official/classical Arabic language and dialect Arabic together.

This program targets students who learned Arabic in their own countries and would like to practice speaking Arabic with native speakers. It also targets foreign residents and foreign employees working in companies in Jordan who would like to communicate with the local society.

This program aims to help student reach to an interactive level of language communication, and utilize the vocabulary and linguistic structures to express him/herself in a clear and understandable manner.

Number of learning hours:
80 learning hours.

Normal Courses: 3 hours a day, 5 days a week, from Sunday to Thursday.
At Ease Courses: 2 hours a day, 3 days a week, Saturday & Monday & Wednesday, or Sunday & Tuesday & Thursday.

Learning hours:
Student can select day or evening time.
450 USD
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